Piano staves duplicate one another

• Sep 4, 2020 - 05:20

Haven't had a problem or question for months... but now I have a weird situation... every time I paste or write/notate something in the piano treble clef it gets duplicated in the bass clef...
I downloaded the alto part from Musescore... and then was copying it into each combo part to use it as a lead sheet.... beginnings of an arrangement... but can't get the piano part to quit duplicating the pasted in line or any note I notate in the staff... it duplicates it in the other staff....
jeff gouge
Springfield mo

Attachment Size
Yardbird Suite.mscz 34.83 KB


I didn't need to look to know what happened, but I did any way. Someone added a linked staff to the piano rather than clicking Add Staff. Press i for the instruments dialong then delete staff 2 on the piano then click Add Staff to get the correct staves.

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