Setting a global style for all scores

• Sep 5, 2020 - 17:43

Is there any way I can set up Musescore so that every single new score I create has the same settings? As it stands, each new score I attempt to create (Ctrl+N) has settings that I don't much like for my present needs. For example, instead of FreeSerif font at 8pt, I might prefer each of my new scores to be formatted with Arial font at 6pt. Having to change item by item in the "Text Styles" list by hand is a real drag. Is there a global style that I can create that will appear in each new score I create? Thanks.


Or, if you also want the same instruments for each score - like it's always a brass quintet or whatever - just save the score to your Templates folded,r then it will be available to sue every time you start a new score.

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