Programme didn't save properly

• Sep 8, 2020 - 14:46

I wrote out some music and saved it but the file you open is not on the computer (have done copious searches). This file is there .11 Come and follow me.mscz but it is the file that does not open.
Have never understood why 2 files are saved for each piece of music or what it is for or why it appears. Is there any way this file can be opened to retrieve my missing piece of music?

Attachment Size
.11 Come and follow me.mscz, 23.71 KB


You have attached the backup file which answers the question of why musescore creates 2 copies of "every" score. It creates a copy of any score you open and puts a . before the name and , after the name to identify it as a backup. It doesn't do this when you first create a score. To only see files that are not backups, change the dropdown to the right of the file name to MuseScore Files rather than All Supported... This will show only .mscz and .mscx files, the one you intentionally create and save as a score.

In reply to by Formezte

The "fixed" score is the backup you added that has been renamed. It's an older version. I suggest that you search for you latest file starting at the root directory and allow the search to look in sub directories. It must be there unless you went into your file manager and deleted it.

Can I just say thank you to you both for answering. Just found another back up of the same piece with the word temp after it. Got rid of the extra dots AND IT IS ALL THERE.
So thank you very much. Am very happy!!!

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