2nd voice rest missing addition

• Sep 8, 2020 - 19:37

In all cases, I have entered the first voice first, then selected the measure, and switched it from voice 1 to voice 2 and back with CTRL+ALT 1/2.
In all measures, one rest is missing to the sum of 4/4.
This can't be right, right?

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You can delete rests that are not in voice 1. If the rests are missing you did something that either deleted it or something else that makes voice 2 start on the selected beat.

One of the things you could have done is put a note in voice 1 after beat 1, switched that note to voice 2, then back to voice 1, which sounds like what you described. If you move an existing note from one voice to a voice besides 1, the rests before that note are not entered by MuseScore. This is totally by design and at times the desired results.

In reply to by mike320

As I wrote in my first post, I selected the complete measure, and I have noticed that the notes were transferred to voice 2 but not the leading rest. That leads to Musescore not creating a placeholder for that rest when transferring the notes back to voice 1. The result is that you cannot enter a full 4/4 measure as a second voice because there is no place for the notes.
In measure 4 you can enter only 2 1/4th notes, and that cannot be right.

In reply to by bennozappendu

Rather than pressing the voice button in the toolbar to change selected notes to a different voice, use "Tools → Voices → Exchange voice 1-2" to affect the full measure.

Yes it is intentional that when you only select a note and try to assign it a different voice, that only the minimal action is done to move that note into that voice. This means that any leading rests within a measure should not be created and only fill rests between an already existing chord in that voice and the note you're moving should be.
This much is by design.

Having a gap in a voice does not prevent you from entering a note there; but it does make it a bit more difficult:
You can still click on the voice 1 rest at the start of the measure, then go into note input mode, and then press the voice 2 button. Now you'll be able to input a voice 2 note/rest right at the selected input location.

In reply to by jeetee

Your first suggestion fixes that problem.
I select the full measure including notes and rests.
Then I press CTRL+ALT+2.
Shouldn't that have the same effect as using the exchange voice command from tools?
I selected the first rest, activated the note input mode, pressed the voice 2 button, deactivated the note input mode but to my disappointment the rest was still part of voice 1.

In reply to by bennozappendu

You can still click on the voice 1 rest at the start of the measure, then go into note input mode, and then press the voice 2 button. Now you'll be able to input a voice 2 note/rest right at the selected input location.

Emphasis added on the 2nd sentence. I did not claim it would switch voices, I claimed having a gap does not prevent you from entering anything at that location and showed you how you can enter something at that location.

In reply to by bennozappendu

CTRL-ALT-2 is the shortcut for the voice button. It is a different command than the exchange voices command.
As mentioned before, using the voice button only works on selected notes. No rests are moved at all.

So first, now that you're aware that those are different things, let's walk over your scenario, because the voice button works differently inside and outside of note input mode.

During note input mode

Voice button sets the voice of the next thing you will input, it does not change the voice of something already there

Outside of note input mode

Voice button moves note to the chosen voice if possible. (matching duration or empty spot available)

*I selected the first rest, activated the note input mode, pressed the voice 2 button, deactivated the note input mode but to my disappointment the rest was still part of voice 1.*

Do the same with a note and you'll also not see it change. See the above explanation as to why.

Now outside of note entry mode, select any voice 1 rest and press the voice 2 button; nothing will happen. But if you select a voice 1 note, then that note gets moved and the remainder of the measure (to the right only) is filled with rests. This is in accordance with standard notation for when a voice joins a measure halfway through, the preceding rests aren't required.

In reply to by bennozappendu

MuseScore won't let you change the voice of a rest by selecting it and using a voice shortcut or toolbar button so if there are leading rests in a measure they will not change voices. If you have an irregular rest pattern between two notes, select the range and change its voice, the rest pattern will be replaced by a standard rest pattern. This is because MuseScore actually only moved the notes and filled in the rests. Your example does not show this. Put 2 32nd rests on a beat besides 1, select the entire measure and press ctrl+alt+2 and see the new rests. This is the same principle as I've already explained. If you want an entire voice moved to another voice use the Exchange voices command.

I do want to point out that these questions are good for you and others that might not understand the intricacies of using MuseScore. You have the potential to learn about the program by asking. I do encourage you, and everyone, to read through the manual once so you have an idea of how the program works. Every program has it's own way of doing things it takes practice and knowledge to get used to them in a new program.

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