Play count-in at playback starts "strange" if pick up measure is not excluded from measure count

• Sep 12, 2020 - 17:54

Take any score with a pick up measure. If it is not flagged as "excluded from measure count", play count-in will "beats" a normal measure and then immediately plays the first note of the pick up measure as if it was on beat one the measure.
I could guess why: when a measure has (e.g.) actual duration 1/4 nominal 4/4, should the 1/4 be considered as the first or the last beat?
Seems that MuseScore uses the flag "excluded from measure count" to make the distinction.
Not sure it really makes sense... especially when the incomplete measure is the first one of the score.
But I have no real strong opinion on that.


Your observations are correct, there has been some discussion on this over the years (also applies to how swing is interpreted) and right now this was the best compromise we had come up with. Some of the other cases we want to handle are measures that are split between the end of one line and start of another, or split to implement a mid-measure repeat, or the end measure of the a piece with a pickup if you use the old convention of shortening that.

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