REFUND REQUEST (account: phuctanftu)

• Oct 9, 2020 - 03:30

I didn't mean to subscribe to a Pro account on Musecore ($49).
The payment was proceeded automatically without any confirmation from me. I have just added a new card on Paypal but I have never authorized that card to be used for any payment on Musecore.
The payment was completed yesterday on 8th October, 2020.
Attached is a billing history from Paypal. Please refund back to my Paypal account.
Phuc Tan

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Capture.PNG 54.93 KB


They did the same thing to me, they said it was a free trial so I could see how I liked Musescore to see if I like it, and I didn’t. Though despite that they charged me for a one year subscription when I specifically got the free trial, this is a scam.

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