Previous Versions of a File

• Oct 12, 2020 - 01:00

I was working on MuseScore and decided that I wanted to completely scrap everything I had done that session, so I closed without saving. However, when I went back into the score it had deleted everything from the past three days, even though I know I had saved since then. Is there anyway to retrieve the lost data. I've already tried to recover the backup files, but there aren't any from the last three days. It's as if I never touched MuseScore those three days. Is there any edit history or other location backups might be?


It sounds like you have more than one version on your computer and you used an older version. One thing to consider, starting in version 3.5, MuseScore shows all scores and their backups as a default if they're in the same folder. You need to be careful to use the correct score. Backups always start with a . and the Icon (at least on my system) is slightly different than primary files. The backup file is only supposed to be updated when you save the main file, so this would explain what happened to from what I understand.

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