PDF Import appears to be broken ...

• Oct 13, 2020 - 14:48

Yesterday and today, when I attempt to import a PDF file, I get the following message:

This site can’t be reached

The webpage at https://musescore.com/score/manage/import/upload might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.



Using the link you provided, I just got to that page and was given the opportunity to attach a PDF. musescore.com was having some problems yesterday so maybe this was related.

The site comes up fine, and I can see the list of PDF files I imported in the past. When I click on the button "Select PDF File", indeed a file dialog box comes up. I select the file and close the dialog box. At this point, the error occurs.

Have either of you had success actually importing a PDF file?

New information: Apparently, the specific PDF file I am attempting to upload generates this response. I have subsequently successfully imported other files. I guess this is a different issue than I suspected. Thanks for your feedback.

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