Edits to system text/tempo marking after saving and re-opening do not propagate to all parts

• Oct 13, 2020 - 22:28

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 12ab1d9

  1. Create a score with two or more instruments
  2. In first bar Add>Text>System text/tempo marking
  3. Create all parts
  4. Save and close
  5. Re-open score
  6. Edit System text in score.

Result: edit is propagated to the first part only. It does not show up on other parts. Deleting the text also only affects the first part.

Edits are propagated to all parts if steps 4 and 5 are skipped - i.e. if the score is not saved before making an edit.

This looks like a bug to me. If not a bug, it is certainly inconvenient.

I stumbled on this when I tried to add a textual description to metronome markings in a 26 instrument score after creating the parts and tweaking their layouts (I later investigated if it affected all system texts). I really don't want to re-create the parts and redo the layout tweaks and so the least bad alternative seems to be to paste the edited metronome markings to each part (three per part = 75 pastes).


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