Exporting PDF with font in curves

• Oct 15, 2020 - 08:17

is there an option to export from Musescore in pdf with font in curves? I want to make my own music book with sheets arranged in Musescore, but my graphics software (Adobe Illustrator) asks always for the fonts (MScore) and opens file with missing signs.
What can I do about it? Maybe you can implement such an option?


In reply to by jeetee

No, I wanted to have fonts in curves, which is the vector graphics (scale able) - the quality is the same as of a font.
I asked for that because sometimes graphics software won't recognize fonts even though they are embedded into the document, not sure why.

All in all I have found what I needed.

In reply to by Piotr Dudek 3

That is the weirdness I'm trying to point out.

The only guaranteed way to get your high quality curves is to use "File → Export" as that embeds the actual vector font data.

At best case you've now gotten a vectortrace of a 300/360dpi bitmap image of a rendered note.

In reply to by jeetee

Vectors don't work with dpi. Fonts usually are vectors and can be scaled to any degree.
I once encountered the same problem of a program not recognizing the embedded font and I know it can be annoying. Although, I've never seen any program save text as curves.

Afaik an exported PDF from MuseScores File→Export should have the relevant glyphs as an embedded font into the PDF.

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