Bedeutung des Buttons "Tonhöhen ersetzen ohn Rhythmus zu verändern (Strg+Umschalt+I)" in mscore-2

• Aug 28, 2014 - 11:57

Was bedeutet der Button ""Tonhöhen ersetzen ohn Rhythmus zu verändern (Strg+Umschalt+I)" in mscore-2, und wann kann er betätigt werden?

Joachim Backes


This is the Re-Pitch mode. usefull if you had entered the correct rhythm, but some wrong notes.
Or have entertere one Instrument completely and not copy/paset the notes to another Instrument and want to have different notes, but same rhythm.
In that mode you can replace the note's pitch via the keyboard, without having to worry about accidentially changing the rhythm.
I had done that via the arrow keys, but for someone being on a first name base with notes ;-) just entering them by their name should be quicker

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