Option to adjust notes chromatically OR diatonically.

• Nov 3, 2020 - 18:07

When I have already entered a note into the score, if I change my mind about which note I want it to be (or if I am too lazy to count ledger lines), I use the arrow keys to move the note to the new destination. I usually prefer for the notes to move diatonically, but I also see the merit in having them move chromatically as well. Perhaps in the preferences under note input there could be an option to toggle this on and off? It's a little nitpicky, but it makes the switch from other apps to MuseScore just a little bit easier.


Alt+Shift+Up/Down move diatonically. You can also customize any of these shortcuts in Edit / Preferences, but I don't recommend changing Up/Down because this shortcut is shared by the command to nudge the position of other elements. Instead, consider using "[" and "]" if you want something simpler than Alt+Shift+Up/Down.

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