Face value and Note Onset timing in conflict
I have no issue with play durations being shorter or longer than a note's face value, however I believed a note's face value should be the sole arbiter of note positioning.
Please see the attached score:
Face Value - Note onset timing and positioning issue in Voice.mscz
According to the properties it was imported from mxl.
What you are seeing is the 1/4 rest on beat 3 has been deleted. This is legal and is very reasonable in some situations. I determined that the rest was delete by exchanging voices 1 & 2 twice so the rest would be put back in. In a case, like this, where there are notes before and after the notes I think the rest should always be shown but that's personal preference.
The playback duration has nothing to do with it. Your score is missing a note/rest on beat 3 in that voice, but there is a note on beat three in the other voice, so the beats are positioned correctly. If you want the last quarter of voice 2 to be on beat three, you need to place it there, not on beat 4 as you have it.