Unable to Access "My Scores" content

• Nov 14, 2020 - 23:38

I have an older Ipad with Musescore installed, the ipad will only updated to IOS 10.3.3 , when bought and downloaded Musescore from the App Store I had a message that it would download the latest version able to run on my system, that was I think 2.7.1. When trying to access "My Scores" content I get a message that an update has occurred with changed security that I need to install before I can get access.
What can be done?
Having to buy a new Ipad seems a bit extreme.


In reply to by kcranfield

You need to post at improving MuseScore that you are having a problem since they are the ones that can help you. No one here can do anything. The other link explains the difference between musescore.org (here) and musescore.com where your scores are.

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