Physical length of a staff

• Nov 18, 2020 - 17:47

Hi. I have a very old version of Musescore (year 2011, Spanish manual). Writing a score one staff in the middle of the score suddenly occupies the entire with of the page. It never happened before and I cannot find the way to reduce the physical length of the staff to its normal size.
Thanks for helping.
Giancarlo Monguzzi


You have a system break (called line break in 2011) on the lone measure. It's probably blue and above the end of the measure. You should be able to click it and press delete to remove it.

If that's not it, please attach your score and explain the problem in more detail.

Of course, it could be a bug fixed many years ago. I can't even begin to guess how many tens of thousands of bugs have been fixed since 2011!

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