How to send my score to YouTube?

• Nov 21, 2020 - 10:25

My home page has recently changed and now does not display a 'Send To You Tube' facility. Indeed if I use the 'My Scores' facility, nothing appears that seems to be of any use to me. If I scan down the home page, at the bottom I do see a miniature version of a score that does contain the three dots which supposedly facilitates a You Tube transfer, but this is not 'live' and gets me nowhere. I am certainly not computer literate and have been unable to solve my problem of sending musescore videos to You Tube. If anyone can help me with a step by step solution to my problem I would be very grateful indeed. I am undertaking the process of putting my late father's music on YouTube, music he never heard and spent so many hours writing. He would have loved musescore had it been around in his day. This is why copying it and sending it to YouTube
is so important to me.
Thank you,
Anthony Price


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