Automatic Rehearsal Marks replacing Measure Numbers

• Dec 2, 2020 - 02:44

As a film composer, we regularly use large rehearsal numbers for the full concert score used by the conductor at the recording session. They're easier to see on the podium, and it's what other film conductors expect to see if they're conducting your work. It's also easier to see the number if you're in the control booth looking at 20+ staves without looking for a tiny measure number.

As of now, I don't know of any way to create these large rehearsal/measure numbers in MuseScore without having to drag them one measure at a time. Is there an automated way to achieve this? I also don't know of any way to change the enclosure shape of the rehearsal number (circle, square, etc.).

Thanks in advance!


Measure numbers can be customized in the menu Format->Style->Measure numbers for everything except size and frame. The easiest way to change those, in my opinion, is to use the inspector and set font, size and frame pressing the S to the right of each of these settings to set the style for that score.

Dragging is never an efficient way to do almost anything in MuseScore. To add a rehearsal mark, the shortcut is Ctrl+M, or you can customize it as you see fit in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. Or can simply click the palette icon rather than drag. Or you can customize the measure number as style as explained above.

BTW, if you do use rehearsal marks, you can get them to automatically update with current measure numbers using Tools / Resequence Rehearsal Marks. If the first rehearsal mark is a number and matches the measure number, MuseScore will assume that's what you want for the rest as well.

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