
• Dec 10, 2020 - 19:02

How to transpose a scanned copy of sheet music


"How to transpose" is only relevant if you already have the music imported into MuseScore.

So (for example) you have scanned the sheet music with some Optical Music Recognition (OMR) software - like the Audiveris option available in MuseScore with File > Import PDF... which scans your uploaded PDF file and then offers a MSCZ (MuseScore) file for you to download. Or (for example) you have used some other OMR program which scans a PDF , TIFF or JPEG file and converts the music to a MusicXML file - which MuseScore can import.

Whatever method you use, you end up with the music being opened in MuseScore. From there you can use the transposition option: Tools > Transpose. The Transpose option is available in MuseScore for any score, regardless of whether you created a score yourself or imported the result from an OMR program. See the Handbook for the various Transpose options:

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