'Flute Expr.' and 'Violin Expr.' inactive audio options

• Dec 13, 2020 - 00:11

In Version 'Violin Expr.' and 'Flute Expr.' are muted whenever selected in this version.
Either these these two options need to be deleted from the menu or audio reinstated.


In reply to by Tooter

You've done something strange. When I opened the score, the default sound in the mixer was Pan Flute. When I switched to Flute Expr. and Violin Expr. the sound is fine. The different sound in the mixer leads me to believe you have a different soundfont order than I do in the Fluid tab, but that shouldn't make a difference.

It also should not make a difference that you have a Mac and I have Windows.

What also shouldn't make a difference in this case is if you changed the Settings in the Dynamics tab of the mixer. The defaults are Dynamics method Default (single-note...) and CC to use: CC2 (Default). If those are different try to change them back and click the Set to default button if the text changes to black.

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