D.S. with voltas, not using repeat signs

• Dec 13, 2020 - 20:28

To repeat nearly all of a song, I am using "D.S." to jump back to a Signo and it works until I add voltas to distinguish between first and second endings, and then it skips the first ending and the D.S. entirely. Do voltas work with D.S. or just with repeat signs? (I am not using repeat signs for this because there is an inner repeat.)


By convention, when taking a jump you jump to the "final" repeat playthrough.
You can check "with repeats" in the inspector for the jump instruction. Also consider changing the text then to something like "D.S. con rep" so that your musicians will also be aware of this intent.

[EDIT] Didn't read your question properly first time around: A Jump does not influence the maximum number of repeats.

Without a score it is difficult to confirm but I think it should work the way you want if instead of voltas (which don't do what you want in standard notation) you use a D.S Al Coda rather than a plain D.S. Then add a To Coda at the last measure before your current volta 1 and put the Coda sign where your volta 2 starts. Remove both of the current voltas of course.

In reply to by bslesinsky

Because convention about how jumps work: After a jump you take the final (normal) repeat/playthrough of a score. If there are no repeats in your score, then that is the same as the initial playthrough.

I'm not saying that there might not be a way to make this work (coding wise) but one should be very careful to not break standard and expected behavior when doing so.

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