Toggle Rhythmic Slash notation

• Dec 13, 2020 - 20:36

I've been using Tools>Toggle Rhythmic Slash notation


• This feature makes it relatively simple to mix regular notation with strum/slash symbols,

• MuseScore nicely consolidates chord tones into a single slash symbol.

• the slash symbols automatically display noteheads that reflect the rhythmic values of the underlying notes


• ToggleRhythmic Slash notation automatically unchecks Inspector>Play. And when I select the Slash and check Inspector>Play only the top note of the chord plays. Nice if there was a preference to leave Play enabled, and have it sound all chord tone.

• The slash symbol in the tablature staff is WAY too small. I'd like to see a size parallel to the slash size in treble clef. And there is no scale option in the inspector—of course if there were I'd want it to affect the treble and tab staves independently or locked.

• On paste slash appears in the treble clef but the tablature staff reverts to showing the fret number.

• On click, MuseScore selects the slash symbol sans the stem. And if I select "slash and stem" I can't paste.

Pretty sure I've overlooked a couple of other Pros and Cons, but this gets the discussion started.



Play is unchecked by design, because the vast majority of the time, people are not taking the time to enter actual chord voicings. But if you are sure to select all the notes of the chord, then Play will affect them all. Easiest way is to press the Notes button in the Inspector immediately after running the command (the range is still selected at that point). Now Play will affect all notes in the range.

The slash on tab staff is indeed small, that's because tab staves are using pretty plain text fonts, so that's just the regular "/" character rather than a special notehead glyph. Probably there should be a way to combine the two, but so far there isn't.

Not sure what you mean about paste, feel free to attach a sample score and steps to reproduce the problem you are seeing. But note, click always select a notehead only, slash or no slash. And copy/paste always relies on range selections, slash or no slash.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

>>Marc Sabatella wrote >> The slash on tab staff is indeed small, that's because tab staves are using pretty plain text fonts, so that's just the regular "/" character rather than a special notehead glyph. Probably there should be a way to combine the two, but so far there isn't.

> scorster >
Just posting this hear so I can point to it from elsewhere.

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