Vertical justification - first impressions

• Dec 16, 2020 - 12:48

I have been playing with the new vertical justification facility. Currently I don't feel I am fully in control of what happens when I adjust the settings as they seem to interact in quite complex ways. Final pages with fewer systems than fully fill the page seem particularly tricky to get right. However, more experiment may make me more proficient.

One thing I am struggling to understand is what the "factors" mean and what they are factors of.

Also, I hope that before too long the score layout guide will be updated to clarify what the settings do and how they interact.


I'm figuring it out as I go, but two things I learned today:

  • The "page fill" setting of 4 sp is kind of low and prevents the spread from taking full effect on some scores where you might expect it to (like a single system that almost but not quite fills the page). In my case at least, increasing that page fill setting allowed it to fill the page.

  • The factor for above/below bracket seems to allow extra spread between bracketed groups - so more space between woodwinds and brass than within those section. The factor seems to be basically multiplication - a factor of 2 allows twice as much space between groups as within. Although I don't think it's entirely proportional, as with many things in MuseScore, that probably sets some sort of default from which further adjustments happen in other stages.

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