Add a bar after the selected one

• Dec 16, 2020 - 17:56

I have much trouble by inserting bars. Though I remember I used to be able to add a bar soon after the selected one, I have recently found out it can only be added at the end of the piece or immediatly before the selected bar. This is a problem whenever I write a piece wich changes the time signature and I want to add a bar immediatly after the last one written in the first time signature: I can only insert the bar before the first one of the new time signature, this being therefore the one that the new bar is written for: it causes me to add again the second time signature in the right bar in order not to mess things up; then delete the previous second time signature, leaving the inserted bar in the first time signature, meaning finally the right one. This is uncomfortable, and by following this only one working method the app happened to crash two times in a row (probably in combination with other settings) . Being able to add bars after the selected bar would be much more efficient.

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