Music Creation

• Jan 2, 2021 - 17:42

Is there any way to play my midi piano and create that way. I would like to play my midi Piano and create the music that way. Instead of creating it by hand.


To be clear: yes, you can use the MIDI keyboard to enter notes into MuseScore, and that page explains how. But if you're expecting to be able to just play whatever you want in real time and have MuseScore figure out which hand played what, how to handle overlaps between notes with multiple voices, and how to decipher rhythms not played perfectly to the metronome, etc - that sort of AI doesn't really exist yet. The closest you'll get is to use a sequencer program to record the tracks one hand at a time, then carefully quantize them, then save as a standard MIDI file, then import that into MuseScore. Even so there will likely be many wrong guesses that you'll need to correct by hand - MIDI was just never designed for this sort of thing and lacks way too much information to do as good a job as one can entering music normally.

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