Playback issue (probably user error)

• Jan 4, 2021 - 00:31

Hi there,

I'm just beginning to learn how to use MuseScore, and I'm having trouble figuring out an issue with playback. I transposed-ish a song from a video game I used to play as a kid (Song of Storms from Zelda - Ocarina of Time) as a learning exercise, and for some reason, there's a pause between bars one and two. I believe I've done everything right in terms of setting time signature, etc., so I'm at a loss for why it won't play back without the pause.

I uploaded the file here. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate any help. Thank you!


There are section breaks with a 3 second pause after each fourth measure. You can simply replace them with regular system breaks to get rid of the pause.

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