hide status bar for students

• Jan 11, 2021 - 16:46

is there a possibility to make a customisable musescore-version for music tests, where as an example it isn't possible for my students to use the piano roll or where the status bar doesn't show the note name of the note selected?
When my students have to do note reading/writting tests in musescore, there a too many option to cheat.

Hiding and locking the status bar and/or the piano would be very useful for that situation :-)

thanks for your tipps!


You can turn the stauts bar off via View / Status Bar, but you can't prevent them from turning it back on. Nor can you prevent them from finding the piano roll if they are so inclined, or opening the piano keyboard winodw.

FWIW, I produce a series of educational materials designed to be accessible to blind students and I faced the same issue. I'm not worried about sighted users cheating and turning on the status bar, but for the blind students, the screen reader will read the note names whether the status bar is visible or not (hmm, note to self, maybe that could be changed someday...).

My solution was to not add the notes as notes, but instead add them from the Symbols palette and then position them on the various different lines and spaces. To a sighted student they appear as normal notes, but they won't play (another form of "cheating" for those with good pitch sense) and the status will just report them as "symbol".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc
thanks for your fast answer!
And thanks for your tips!
In my german version of musescore no palette is called "symbols". I got one which is calles "note heads" but there are no note steams (for testing if the students know the correct value like "half" or "quarter note")
Do you know where I can find this palette.
thanks in advance

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