Musescore 3.6 first system not aligned with the others... never add this problem prior to updating.

• Jan 20, 2021 - 07:49


First I should say maybe my use case is causing this issue - I am using Musecore to submit music theory theory exercises, in this case I am given a cantus firmus to harmonize and the best way I found to get Musecore to display it the way I want is to create a 24/2 time signature (my cantus firmus is all half notes - I do know about experimental early music setting to display note value across measure but it's pretty booboo lookwise).

Now that I have updated to 3.6 for some reason my first system is slightly indented and I can't find the setting to align it with his comrades. Any pointers? Thanks a lot people!

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For the record, the reaosn it's indented by default is that this standard in most published music - we're trying to present music more professionally. But there are a few specific cases here and there where you don't see the first system indented. Theory exercises could indeed be one example.

BTW, not sure if you're literally creating a 24/2 timesig, but no need for that - simply select a bunch of "normal" measures and use Tools / Measures / Join Selected Measures. Save you the trouble of actually counting - just enter the notes normally then join the mesures.

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