Default Title etc Frame Size

• Jan 31, 2021 - 18:31

Hi ... is there a way to set the default height for the frame that is created by the new score wizard to hold the title, composer, etc.?



Default height for any new vertical frame is 10sp, no way to change it as far as I know.
But with MuseScore 3.6 it does get auto-sized by default (and 10sp would just be the minimum size), so there shoulnd't be a need to change that default?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

For 95% of the simple compositions or copying I do, my personal preference is for the baseline of the title to be the same as the baseline of the composer. Not a big deal, just another thing (like the tempo for a jig) that I have to adjust each time. (This and the BPM problem are actually the only two things I'd like to see changed (I think), which is pretty darn good imo.)

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In reply to by DMarcus123

Just set up one score that way, by changing the style settings for Title and composer to use the same vertical alignment and offset. YOu can also adjust the frame size if desired. Then save that to your Templates folder. Then all scores you create from that template (just select it in the list in the Create New Score wizard) will have those same settings. Same for just about anything else you find yourself adjusting for each score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Are you sure this works? I changed the frame size for the title and composer and turned off auto size for the frame and then saved as a template. I loaded the template, and it used time signature and key signature as defaults, but it didn't apply the frame settings from the template.

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