
• Feb 3, 2021 - 11:14

Hello. Is there a way of doing a "free line" of glissando - see the image capture.
Also not sure how to replicate the feathered beam at the end of line one. The composer's intention is "its a trill, starts slow and speeds up."
Thanks in advance for any help!

Attachment Size
glissando.jpg 235.7 KB


No way to create freehand lines within MuseScore, but you can use any drawing program to do that then capture the result as an image and paste it in.

Feathered beams are supported, though, see the beam Properties palette, and the section on beams in the Handbook for more info.

In reply to by Dylan Nicholson1

In principle pretty much any such line can be done as a series of bezier curves and obviously MuseScore can draw those, though I'm having trouble working out how to do so without the thickness tapering that's traditionally expected for slurs/ties. But I'd think what you really want is a chain of bezier curves with matching gradients...

In reply to by Dylan Nicholson1

Took me way too long to create this, and could only do it by changing the global score style properties for slurs, but proves it's in principle possible...

From looking at the code in SlurSegment::computeBezier it doesn't seem to have any way to override the mid & end thickness for particular slurs, but it wouldn't be hard to add if it was seen as useful...

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