Feature Request - Versioning

• Feb 3, 2021 - 17:12

I would love it if Musescore would save 'X' (user specified) number of previous versions of a particular file. Lots of reasons. During a recent crashing event I was fortunate to have a deleted file that saved a good bit of work. There's lots of other reasons why as well; I'm sure y'all are aware of the potential benefits.

Thank you!


In reply to by Lets Rock

Everytime i make exports i leave Footnotes like:

Ver.: 1.4 FH, Cello, Format

This would mean it is a released sheet, hence the 1.x . It is the 4rth version of it, I make a seperate file for each released version. This works quite well and also answers questions from the orchestra: "Is this the right version?", "Did my line change".

Applications should not have to implement their own form of this - then you end up with dozens of different version control schemes for different files on the same computer. Instead this is supposed to be implemented at the OS or filesystem level so it can be shared. Microsoft solved this using OneDrive, there are also third party solutions like Google Drive and Dropbox. All of these handle the versioning automatically and allow easy recovery of older versions of any file of any type stored on that filesystem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

As a developer that uses git and mercurial every single day, let me disagree. Even code editors like vscode or emacs, normally let you manage versions from within the UI. Using versioning (as opposed to suggest by others to "save as") prevents polluting the folder with many files that may not even be important, but you just want to be able to get to that point whenever needed if something goes wrong. It would clearly state that is not the end, but just an intermediary step, good enough to be saved. The ability to see the saved versions and revert to them from within Musescore UI would greatly ease things for everybody, specifically for non-technical users.
I never used the history at fs level other than from within google docs, but that seems a reasonable and nice idea.

In reply to by sandrodentell

Code editors of course are designed to work with versioning systems, because who m write code are usually highly technical people using specific versioning systems that they need to integrate with for the sake of coordinating with other members of their project.

The vast majority of musicians using MuseScore, on the other hand. have probably never used a versioning system in their life other than the one built into their OS, and wouldn’t have any reason to need to learn a different system than the one that already works for their other files.

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