Weird corrupted bars/measures with percentages

• Feb 4, 2021 - 01:46

Hi. I have this weird bug in my work-in-progress score where the corrupted bars say something along the lines of "Bar 26, stave 2, voice 4/4 too long. Expected: 339/288; Found: %5". All of them have an extreme time signature for the "Expected" part, like 339/288 or 429/96, and afterwards, all of them say "Found: %5" instead of another time signature. I've tried the methods posted on the "How to fix corrupted bars" page, but none of them seem to work. I've even tried deleting the bars entirely, and the corruptions are still there, saying the same things. I don't have any deadlines, but I would like to fix this ASAP.

While I'm still not sure why this happened, it could be because of my working style. Usually, I make scores first by checking MuseScore for an already existing edition. I then download it. After that, I get the Urtext edition (or if not possible, then any good edition on IMSLP) and add all the details (both visual and audial).
When I download scores, they do tend to have weird corruptions like this, and it could be because they are from different versions of MuseScore, but that's just my guess. Usually, I'm ok with these corruptions since before I didn't really post stuff. However, now I do want to post the stuff I work on, and this hinders me.

I'll provide the file just in case any of you know how to solve this. If you're able, please do help.


The only time I have had this type of corruption is when I try to import a midi file, especially a complex one with time and key signatures and multiple instruments.

Fixed message (as of 3.6.1):
Bar 26, stave 2, voice 2 too long. Expected: 4/4; Found: 339/288
Bar 118, stave 2, voice 2 too long. Expected: 13/4; Found: 429/96
Bar 182, stave 2, voice 2 too long. Expected: 10/4; Found: 243/96

The 1st one is actually in bar 24 stave 1 (due to 2 bars that are excluded from count, and the invisible top stave)
the 2nd is at bar 114, stave 1 (see above)
the 3rd is at the top left of last page.
Use Ctrl+F, then the measure numbers, to go to them, don't use your bar numbers, these is off by a few due to excluded bars.
Deleting those bars and reentering again should solve the corruption.

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