Saved Score in Continuous View; Can No Longer Open Score

• Feb 7, 2021 - 07:31

I was working on a big band score a little while ago, when I accidentally pressed some buttons together and ended up in Continuous View (I did not know how I did this at the time, nor how to fix it; CTRL + Z did nothing). I saved the progress on the score and reloaded MuseScore 3.6 in an attempt to fix the viewing issue, but now I can't open the score at all. I attempted to create the same issue with another score, but it opened perfectly fine when I saved it in Continuous View. The uploaded file is the score that I was working on; I'm not sure how to go about fixing this issue, but maybe you guys do. Thanks.


Attachment Size
iron_in_the_fire.mscz 53.77 KB


Your attached score opens fine for me in MS 3.6.1. I notice that you created the score in MS 3.6.0.

There is another release due quite soon (the next few days) with MS 3.6.2, so you could try downloading the new release when it is available. MS 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 fix a lot of irritating bugs which were in the original 3.6.0.

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