Out of my depth? Is MuseScore overkill?

• Feb 9, 2021 - 02:38

Hi, I'm looking for a solution. I do a lot of improvisation, and I'd like to have the main chords of what I just played to be displayed so I can immediately overdub in my DAW in playback and record mode.

I don't read music but I do read chords names. Does MuseScore have basic functionality that could make this happen?

I looked at other software like Scaler 3, and HornetSongKey, but no joy. So I installed MuseScore (and JACK) but again, can't connect the dots.

Look at the attachment to see what I am hoping for.

Thanks in advance!


Attachment Size
chords.jpg 325.65 KB


It's not really clear what you are asking for, but MuseScore can certainly create sheet music that includes chord symbols, and indeed it can display only chord symbols if you want it to. And it can play the chord symbols back. So you know the chords, you can type them into MsueScore easily to produce a lead sheet. There are even plugins than can read a score and use some AI to attempt to put chord symbol names to the notes in the score. So if you can record a MIDI file, you can import it into MuseScore and try the plugin.

Not sure if any of this relates to your goal. The thing to keep in mind is, MuseScore is music notation software, and everything it does is connected in some way to that.

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