Joining bars that include a time signature change has odd results

• Feb 11, 2021 - 17:48

I have been writing a piece that alternates between 4/4 and 3/4. After entering the notes I decided it would be better if in some cases the 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures were the other way round. I tried joining the 4/4 and 3/4 bars to produce an effective 7/4 bar and then splitting that to produce a 3/4 bar followed by a 4/4 bar. However, what happened was not what I expected. I have recreated the operation (with a simplified score) with screen grabs after each step. (Note, I am using UK localisation and so "bar" = "measure")

  1. Starting point


  2. select the first two measures and use [Tools]>[Bar]>[Join selected bars]


Note that the time signature in the third bar has disappeared (but it still has 4 beats). Also, the 3/4 from the second bar is still there in the middle of the effective 7/4 bar.

  1. select the F on beat 4 and use [Tools]>[Bar]?[Split bar before selected note/rest]


Now I have a 3/4 bar followed by a 4/4 bar as required but the time signatures need fixing.

  1. Add a 3/4 time signature to bar 1, 4/4 to bars 2 and 3


Everything is OK except that I still have that unwanted 3/4 time signature in bar 2.

  1. Select the time signature and press delete - nothing happens!
    Try CTRL+delete - nothing happens!
    Try CTRL+X, nothing happens!

To summarise, there are two odd things happening.
a) The time signature in the bar following the bars that were joined disappears (not such a big deal as it can be re-added.
b) The joining operation leaves an undeletable time signature in the middle of the joined bar.

Is this a bug, or am I pushing the boundaries of join/split operations too far?

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34


Interesting! I've probably never thought to try though, but I can confirm it works as you say. Kind of cool actually, not that I can imagine a use for it. probably wreaks havoc on reloading the score or other operations though. Meanwhile, just deleting those time signatures before joining seems like it would achieve the result you actually wanted. So a bug, but with a workaround.

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