MuseScore 3.6.2 does not load my default style

• Feb 18, 2021 - 01:05

I have set a default style (see screen shot) but MuseScore ignores it - I must load the style manually for it to be used. Am I crazy?

UPDATE: This should more properly read "MuseScore 3.6.2 does not load all elements of my default style". The one that is glaringly missing is that "enable vertical justification of staves". I can also say that several other items are indeed loaded. I've never developed a score fully enough before loading my style sheet to be able to say how many other settings are affected, if any.


Works for me, with my style file, when creating a new score.

Try removing those 2 lines from your's:


At least the first of those.
And strip down your mss to contain only those settings that are not the default anyhow.

See also #317585: Loading an MSS file that changes the default style version doens't apply new defaults until reload, potentially changing some settings

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Removing those lines made no difference. (While it works for you using your own style file, it would be more interesting for to know if it works for you with my style file, if you would be so kind.)

What is the best way to strip down an mss to contain only those settings that are not the default? Will they stay out until changed, or will saving the style again create a file that includes default settings? And what then happens when some defaults are changed in a future release - if I don't like a change, wouldn't I need to chase down the setting, figure out the former default and then resave the style?


In reply to by DMarcus123

Save style of a plain new score, with no mss loaded.
Compare that with your style (like using diff and remove every setting that is identical, keeping only header/footer (first 3 and last 2 lines) and those that are different.
Or save a score that uses your settings and save as mscx, open in an editor and copy the Style section (dropping the page size related ones).

Yes, you'd need to do this again if and when defaults change, but likely the file format (museScore version="3.02") then changes too, so on loading it you'd get a corresponding warning.

And yes, if you make changes to it via MuseScore and save again, all settings get saved again.
Would be really nice to have a "Save non-default Style settings"

UPDATE: This should more properly read "MuseScore 3.6.2 does not load all elements of my default style". The one that is glaringly missing is that "enable vertical justification of staves". I can also say that several other items are indeed loaded. I've never developed a score fully enough before loading my style sheet to be able to say how many other settings are affected, if any.

Your file worked perfectly for me when I specified it in Edit / Preferences / Score. After restarting (an important step!), new scores created picked up disabling of justification just fine. At least, for scores created from scratch. If you create from a template, the settings in the particular template you select may override your style settings.

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