no answer from the feedback page although urgently requiered

• Feb 20, 2021 - 05:46

[Feedback is needed] A guide of how to upload score and fill its metadata correctly

Admin, Pls add guidelines how to embed pictures and videos, utubes into the score so they appear in the header or elsewhere. How to edit your score by this afterwards? Thx

Where are the guidelines about saving scores from msc to utube? They were sent over there, promising a reply email when its uploaded but for days I received no reply? Thx for that troublesome works...…


The feedback form is not meant as a way to get technical support with MuseScore, just a place you can leave feedback.

To get technical support on how to use the MuseScore notation softare, this forum is the right place, so feel free to ask! Sounds like your question might instead be about the score-sharing website, though. In which case, you should ask it over there on that site.

Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.