How to automatically hide rest on second voice?

• Feb 20, 2021 - 18:35

In the attached image the first rest is masking the note. The only solution I've found is to select all rests and mark them invisible. Is there an alternative?

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2021-02-20_19-32-54.png 10.35 KB


Hiding the rest would not be correct here, it's actually important to reading to be able to read each staff independently to understand the rhythm and not depend on figuring it out by how the notes line up between staves. Instead, you simply need to fix the collision. But, this should happen automatically if you are using a recently version of MuseScore, so first step is to update. Also, you have the voices backwards here - the dotted half should be voice 2, the quarters voice 1. That way the stem direction and rest collision avoidance all work out automatically. You shouldn't need to do anything manually here.

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