Change 1 staff to 2 or more staves

• Mar 10, 2021 - 06:12

Classical composers sometimes split a group of instruments from 1 staff to 2 staves or more, This is hard to do if you want your scores to be neat, you will have to change instruments and change it back. I hope there is a button or buttons to change 1 staff to 2 or more, and another button that puts the staves of the same instrument together into one staff. I really hope this was in a update, it would increase the efficiency and you do not need to keep changing instruments again and again to keep the score tidy.
From a new musescore user who just joined in 2020 November,
Xing Xiran


I do not know if I should post this on separate forum, but I want mutes in musescore. Like there is a text called con sordini/sourdines(fr) and it will soften the sound in between the current dynamic and the next lower dynamic (e.g. The current dynamic is mezzo forte, so the mute will make the sound between mezzo forte and mezzo piano)

I hope this is not too much for musescore features. :/

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