Flag More Uninterpretable Chords

• Mar 12, 2021 - 20:02

As I understand it, MuseScore highlights a chord in red if (and only if ) the root makes no sense to it. It would be nice if there was an option to for chords that have any element that isn't interpretable to be flagged (as in "Dm" or "E??".

This would help reduce errors.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Please look at these example. There is transient marking - while the chord is being entered - no non-transient marking that would allow you to plance a page for errors - and not even Transient marking on the some. If they are interpretable chords, I would be interested in know how to voice an X chord, an E???? chord, or a Dn5.


In reply to by DMarcus123

In theory we could do this indeed. We don't to be on the safe side, since there are actually plenty of things people enter into chord symbols deliberately that we don't actually understand. But an option to identify these could be nice., Can you enter this as a Suggestion into the issue tracker.

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