Musescore 2.0 file installation

• Mar 13, 2021 - 20:04

Hi, I have a problem that I don't know how to solve. I have all my songs written with Musescore 2.0 and when I change pc or version of the program all the texts, ligatures and pedals go out of place ruining the score. Is there a way to import and prevent this from happening? If there is no solution for this, could I have the Musescore 2.0 installation file? To be able to install it on other PCs too (I am also willing to pay for it). Thanks in advance!


I am guessing those elements that seem out of place had been adjusted manually, probably to work around deficiencies in the default placement in MuseScore 2. In most case, simply resetting all positions to the vastly improved MuseScore 3 defaults works extremely well, requiring only a few small adjustments at most beyond that. If you attach your score, we are happy to help you import it more successfully.

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