Creating multiple scores in one file

• Mar 14, 2021 - 17:14

I trying to enter multiple scores in a single file for short choral chant verses where each verse is different. I have a template that has 2 scores per file, but can't seem to find a way to copy the blank scores to add up to 8 scores on multiple pages in one file.


Are you sayings you already created these in separate files? If so, then you can copy and paste their contents into a new score, one right after the other. If you mean, you can't figure out how to start a new song after another has finish, just add a section break from the palette, append a vertical frame for the title, then append more measures.

If that's doesn't answer your question, please explain what you mean in more detail - and ideally attach your score(s) so we can understand and assist better.

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