I cant hear anything in the Roll app musescore program.

• Mar 14, 2021 - 18:08

Im using roll app on a chrome book (school computer), and I tried using musescore with roll app and I couldn't hear anything. Please help.


Indeed, roll app doens't support sound by default. I have heard it does if you set up a paid account. A better solution, though, is to install MuseScore as a Linux app - assuming your school permits it. And if they don't maybe start lobbying them to, on the basis that it is an important feature that should be made available to facilitate remote learning.

In reply to by J U A N

As I said, I believe the paid account on rollap will support it, but I've never tested that.

Even if your school currently doesn't allow Linux apps, it never hurts to ask, and to use COVID and the need for online learning as a reason. Rules change all the time in light of changing needs and new technology, I wouldn't give up on that battle.

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