Circle Menu for easier hotkey access

• Mar 21, 2021 - 07:53

would be really neat for notation to press one key and have access to manipulation the current note

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I ould see that being useful for mouse users, but meanwhile, do note the toolbar already gives you this ability, and so do the keyboard shortcuts Q & W as well as the standard numeric duration shortcuts.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

yes, these are already in the bar across the screen. its a long way moving over there, a circle menu is right next to (or more: around your) mouse. if the 'invisible part' of the pie would be extended all over the screen it will take much less 'aim' to hit these buttons and due to the "gesture type" it is easier to reach. and much faster to learn than hotkeys, witch are of course superior (if you know and memorize them at least)

In reply to by cortvermin

Doesn't take long at all to learn these shortcuts, so I highly recommend it. 4-5-6 - like the middle row of a numeric keyboard - for eighth-quarter-half. But you're also free to redefine them if you think something else would be easier to remember - see Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts.

Note also that you can undock your toolbar if you prefer using the mouse and change durations on existing notes often enough that you prefer having it closer.

Again, I have nothing against seeing a new feature like this added someday if enough other users agree it would be useful to them. But I do think you'll discover there are already very efficient ways to get the job done, so I want to help you do do so!

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