Accordion LH fingering

• Mar 22, 2021 - 19:31

It coud be useful to add to the fingering palette, these items (for LH Stradella system):

  • underlined figures from 2 to 5 (contrabass fingering, thumb excluded)
  • m (minor chord)
  • M (major chord)
  • 7 (dominant seventh chor)
  • ° (diminuished seventh)


I could see those being added to the default if this is a standard notation, so feel free to add it as a SUggestion int he issue tracker. Meanwhile, though, easy enough to add these yourself, just use Add / Text / Fingering to add a fingering (or doubkle-click on you've added previously), press F2 for the the Special Characters palette if necessary, and enter your symbol. Then Ctrl+Shift+drag your completed fingering to the palette for easy reuse. You can also drag directly from Special Characters; that might be better suited if you wish to use those symbols in multiple types of text.

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