Can't click on page view dropdown menu

• Mar 23, 2021 - 02:21

Nothing happens when I click on the page view dropdown menu, so I can't change to continuous mode.

I'm on Arch Linux, installed from official repo, fully updated. I tried purging the config files and reinstalling, to no avail.

This makes musescore very annoying to use... is there a keyboard shortcut I could use as a workaround?

EDIT: Found the "Toggle view mode" shortcut! It was Ctrl+Shift+V by default.

Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2021-03-22 22-20-17.png 15.1 KB


I've never heard of this particular problem happening, but it seems unlikely that this would be the only symptom of whatever problem your third party build has, Those versions are seldom built correctly and aren't really supported. Instead, it's almost always better to use the official AppImage you download from this site.

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