Dotted line export as continuous line

• Mar 25, 2021 - 13:11

I exported my score as PDF and everything looks normal except these lines, which i've put as "Dotted" in Inspector. This is how it looks in musescore:
Screenshot 2021-03-25 at 14.05.20.png
This is the exported result:
Screenshot 2021-03-25 at 14.06.09.png

Any ideas as to why this is happening?

(First time posting, tell me if more information is needed)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I deleted the corrupted measure altogether. The warning about the corrupted measure is gone when i reopen the score in Musescore, but the problem with the line remains. The problem might lie in the export then since we both did the same (File > Export) but i still get the continuous line in the PDF.

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