Ensemble Practise

• Mar 27, 2021 - 09:25

Good morning all,

I’m new to the forums but have had a good look round to see if there is a thread about this yet - apologies if I have missed it.

I’m a school teacher and looking to restart our school band inline with all the various COVID restrictions we have in place.

Recently, we have bought a significant number of iPads and would like to digitise our rehearsals i.e. use iPads to display sheet music rather than relying on the children remembering their music etc.

Is there a way to link multiple iPads together to all use MuseScore to practise together? I love the practise mode for my personal practise and think it could be really useful in our band rehearsals. I’d like the conductor to have the main score on his iPad and then the individual children have their own parts displayed on their screens.

Obviously, I am more than happy to pay for individual or site licenses etc. but I don’t want to spend a small fortune to find it can’t do what I want it to.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I should add, I intend to upload our own music which has been composed in Sibelius or MuseScore for the children to use.

In reply to by bobjp

Based on my personal experience, real-time ensemble playing via Zoom is just about ruled out by internet latency. The one time I tried it I could hear individual ensemble members playing one or several beats in front or behind others - even though our md was broadcasting a click track to all of us. It was chaos!

A more successful approach was when members made individual recordings of their part against a click track and then these were assembled (using Audacity I think) into a multi instrument "performance". However, I understand the assembly process was non-trivial and took about two weeks for a 5 minute performance with 30 plus musicians.

In reply to by SteveBlower

I completely agree about latency. I can't imagine any way to do this via .com. But you never know.
Hopefully, this whole thing will spark some new research into online rehearsals. Nothing beats the real thing. But to be able to play with people who couldn't otherwise get together would be great.

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