First volta plays on repeat

• Mar 29, 2021 - 00:01

I have at least 2 scores which exhibit this behavior: a section will repeats and the when it encounters the the #1 volta, it plays it again and the immediately plays the second volta then contiues. In "Moonstruck" (uploaded) the repeats work well at measure 49, but exhibit the faulty behavior and measure 79.

(If possible I will attach a second file "Maple Leaf Entertainer", which works well at measure 20 but not at measures 90 and 107.)

Attachment Size
Moonstruck.mscz 66.29 KB
Maple Leaf Entertainer - Joplin.mscz 117.1 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

In continuous view too...

MuseScore 3.5.2 I guess gets confused by those duplicate voltas?
Although here it plays that repeat and voltas too

Edit: Ooops, the 1st repeat section, the one with the duplicate voltas, does work, the 2nd does not
In 3.5.2 that is, it does work properly in 3.6.2

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