Help with Jumbled Drum Track

• Sep 2, 2014 - 16:34


I downloaded a MIDI file that has a drum set part associated with it. When I import it into Musescore, though, the notes for the drum track are all placed on the same line. I used the program Mixcraft to import the file as well, and all the notes were correctly placed on different lines with the corresponding voices, so I'm not sure why Musescore is having trouble with it.

I'm very new to this software, so maybe someone could give me some advice?

Here is a link to the MIDI file: //



I think you'll probably have to make a custom drumset (by entering note entry then clicking "Edit Drumset" and going to your hearts content!!) I would recommend saving the standard one that comes with the program and loading it into your score. Personally, I've never seen this myself as this is quite peculiar...
I ran this myself and it ran fine

I hope this will help you...
Thanks for informing me...

Not sure what you mean, I import that MIDI file and I see lots of different lines for the drums - looks pretty good actually. Are you perhaps using an ancient version of MuseScore? Current is 2.0.3.

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