Chaotic text selection

• Apr 3, 2021 - 17:12

Hi everyone
I have an issue that I cannot rid of
I have 3 different scores that I want to combine into a single one. I simply copy everyone of them into a new score, but when I do that, some text (that is NOT visible on the individual files) appears on the new one. I cannot select it when I click on it, and that's because it was originally tied of (some unknown)note and moved by mistake somewhere outside the score....
How can I get rid of it?
(The words that appear where they shouldn't are "nivel 2" on page 1, "nivel3" on page 1 and "nivel 1" on the top right corner of page 3 - all of them in the "Colindita_compiled" score. All others are the original individual scores.

Attachment Size
Colindita_compiled.mscz 22.86 KB
Colindita_lvl1.mscz 17.88 KB
Colindita_lvl2.mscz 17.95 KB
Colindita_lvl3.mscz 25.21 KB


Looking the score file in MSCX format, the problem is huge X-offset values like this:

            <offset x="-32.141" y="-5.89368"/>
            <text>Nivel 1</text>

So you can add a new Staff Text in measure 1, then right-click the text and choose Select > All Similar Elements. Then in the Inspector you can "change" the X-offset to zero and press Enter to confirm.

All the "Nivel" elements will now be returned to default X-offset (see measures 3, 11, 19), so you can see, select and delete each one individually. These elements have not yet been deleted from the attached score, just restored to a default X-offset.

Attachment Size
Colindita_compiled - bis.mscz 23.12 KB

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